Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Spain Day Four!

Last day here! We started out early again with a tour to the Chocolate (Xocolata) Museum. This was for a class for me, International Marketing. We were able to go through the museum and see the history of chocolate and learn about how it became an international staple that defined markets. After the tour, we were able to make molds of little houses out of chocolate that they gave us to eat, as well as write with chocolate on some wax paper. It was cute, and delicious. We took some pictures of our designs, you’ll see them later. The admittance ticket to the museum is also a piece of chocolate itself. So we were cocoa’d out. ☺
After, we headed down the street and visited the Picasso museum. This is a HUGE museum completely filled with the art of Picasso in chronological order. It started out rather nice, and then went crazy as he got older.
Next came a little ramble through some of the side streets till we came across a little pizza bar where we ate and watched the world cup. We took the metro from there and visited the mall on the pier. We didn’t buy anything, but it was exciting to see the different stores. There’s a lingerie place called “Women’s Secret”, and a place called “Lefties,”. Note that there is a comma at the end. Some strange stuff, but cool too.
After the mall we decided to head on back to the boat. We had to be back by 6pm, or we’d get “dock time”, which is when you have to remain on the boat for a specific amount of time at the next port before you can go out. We wanted to play it safe. The rest of tonight will most likely be taken up by eating, trying to catch up on studying and sleeping. Definitely sleeping.

Overall Thoughts on Spain:

I liked it. Barcelona is a huge city with so much art and history. The things that Europeans are the most proud of and care the most about is really their art and architecture. You really have to be a little older to appreciate it here. There are a couple little kids here and I don’t know how cool it really is for them. A lot of our pictures are of just things because the things themselves are so incredibly beautiful. The people here are a little different as well, but in a good way. They don’t smile at you in the streets like we do. There is no need for service in a restaurant though they pride themselves on being servers. People take days off just because they feel like it, and nothing is to be overly rushed. We didn’t experience the night life, but we heard it was great. I’m sure, as the whole of the city that I saw was incredible. Every part. I’d definitely come back to Barcelona and stay longer. There is so much to see and do. I feel like we only really scraped the surface. I also hope that Italy is just as great!
Chapter one done! Now on to number two: Italy!

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