Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Saturday, July 17, 2010

First Day in Croatia!

Super excited! Croatia is beautiful, we can already tell just from the view from the boat. We slept in for a bit today, but not terribly much. We ran to the grocery store that was right out front of the pier and stocked up on some snacks and soda. We headed to the ATM as well. For a 24 pack of little baby cokes for James and me it was 112 kuna, which is the Croatian unit of money. We thought that we would be getting a really good rate because the kuna is 22 cents to the US dollar. So, five kuna is a US dollar. It’s not so though. A pizza is 55 kuna. A soda is 13 kuna. Hahahaha. It’s ridiculous. Really, it’s about as expensive as the other places though.
We headed out for our city orientation at one o clock. It was…horrible! It was really the first time we had a truly bad trip (besides the one in Rome that we didn’t even go to because it was a rip off).
We started out by going to this wack little synagogue. The way that they described it was that it was like this awesome old synagogue that’s all famous in Croatia. It’s like a little down ally and it was itty bitty and it didn’t look old. Then we went to a museum that was also itty bitty. Also lame, and we couldn’t hear the guide anyway. Then we went to an aquarium that looked like a bunch of little kid fish tanks that they threw together. The student registrar went with us and even she (who is an eternal optimist) said that it sucked. I hate to sound like any part of this was a bad day. I wouldn’t say that. There were still incredible views. There were still amazing things to see that were interesting. It was jut a little…different than we were used to. We were determined to have an excellent day still. So we signed off our trip and stuck around in the city.
Dubrovnik is split into two mini cities almost. The first is Old Dubrovnik. This is the historical part of the city that is surrounded by the city walls. These are huge walls that everyone says we have to see while we’re here. We haven’t had the chance yet, but we plan on making it. We ate lunch with our friend Yulia who is from Belarus. She looks freakin 22 I swear, but she’s almost thirty. She’s in my marketing class and I really like her. We hang out every once in awhile.
We tried to get some internet and got a little, but not enough to do much damage.
We took the bus back to the boat and put on our swim suits. We were headed to the beach. We actually ended up meeting up with some other kids who were also leaving while we were waiting for the beach. We changed our minds and headed out with them to a beach that they said was absolutely amazing. It took us about thirty minutes to walk there, and I’ll admit that it was a beautiful beach. It was also a pebble one with no sun. The water was FREEZING! We ended up staying for awhile despite the fact that we didn’t do much swimming. We threw rocks that made some crazy sounds plopping in and just sat around and talked for a bit. It was nice. Relaxing. That’s what everyone says Croatia is about, relaxation and taking in the beauty of the place. Everything is a little slower. The people are nice and polite and many speak English. Everywhere you look is beautiful. We definitely had some R&R with some nice people. We headed back after we dried off and got some stuff done. I had a lot of blog to write and some studying as well. I have a marketing test first day back and I want to be prepared. Studying all the time, even in port. Student through and through.

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