Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Interesting day today. We woke up pretty early, though still late. We missed breakfast, but we made it to the bus at 7:10. We didn’t leave till 7:35 cuz some dumb kids didn’t get their passports out. The ship keeps them for us during the journey, but we were going to another country…obviously you’re going to need a passport to get in. Finally we were off. We ended up on the bus for three hours. It’s only about an hour and some away form Dubrovnik, but we got caught up at the border for another hour and a half. Made for an interesting morning. We finally made it to Montenegro (which translate to Black Mountain as the mountain of the country look black from the dark trees that grow on the sides of the mts). We stopped first at the city of Kolor, which was a quaint little place. We met our tour guide (who had waited for us for an hour and a half without a call from anyone saying where we were, ya our bus tour guide didn’t call her to tell her we would be late. Wacked). We had a quick tour through some churches and then about thirty minutes of time to check the city out. We used this time to hang out with our Belarussian friend Yulia, and to get something to eat. Then back to the bus! We drove for another forty five minutes to another Old City named something starting with a B. We were never really quite sure. There we had lunch for an hour and a half with my marketing teacher and Yulia. The conversation was pretty interesting. We got the ship gossip and all the grisely stories from past voyages. Like one dean a couple years ago locked herself in her cabin for the last three weeks of the voyage. Stuff like that. Then we had twenty minutes to look around that city before we got back on the bus for the two and a half hour ride home. Ya….we were on the bus WAY more than we were in Montenegro, but the views were nice, and we got to sleep on the way up. Interesting trip. I can’t say it was bad, I just wish we had more time in the actual place. After we got home, we ate dinner on the ship and then got ready to go out!
Luckily enough, it is the Summer Festival going on in Dubrovnik, and it started that night. It’s basically their independence day festival, and the whole government goes to the Old City in Dubrovnik and there’s a giant celebration. We walked there and saw the fireworks, watched the last twenty minutes of the Germany game, and then watched a concert in the public square.
There was a woman singer….but she sounded more like a man than anything. I swear she sang at a tenor. Then she sang Time to Say Goodbye, and she sang the man part...for the whole song. I have a video that I’ll post. It’s insane a little.
Trying to get out of the Old City was intense too. There were hoards of people trying to get in and a prostitute who was trying to get out who cut us in line. The bus ride home was free though, so we were pacified.
Made it home, safe and sound and went to bed asap. Early morning tomorrow.

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