Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Last Day in Croatia!

Woke up a little late today, but we made it ok to the meeting point! Crammed on a public bus and then sprinted through the old city to try to find a tour agency that we had scheduled kayaking through. We finally found them just in time. I ran to the restroom and had a pleasant surprise. Squat toilets, like back in China. Didn’t think I’d see them so soon again.
We got situated and then we headed on out. We went with two girls and a British family as well. We were situated in two person kayaks so James put me up front for the way up. Basically, we kayaked along the City Walls of the Old City that were erected in the 1400’s to defend the city. It was incredible. Then we kayaked along a little channel to Lokrum Island. We docked on a little rocky cove thingy and then had a short tour of the island which is inhabited by peacocks, thousands of them. You can hear them from EVERYwhere on the island. There are no natural predators, so they are able to flourish very easily. We even saw little baby ones!
We ended up walking along some of the cliffs of the islands. James didn’t have his shoes, and the rocks were a little jacked, so we took our time. James jumped from one of the cliffs (though not too big), and I swam out in the ocean to meet him. The water is so nice there, and the beaches are so clean. You can see to the bottom even in deep waters. You don’t have that in San Diego. There’s no animals peeing in the water or people throwing trash. There are strict rules as to what you can have at the beaches and how they’re treated. It’s nice. Anyway, after his dive, we headed inland a little to a small little pond that was super salinated. We swam in there for awhile and James did some rock climbing. It was all really relaxing. Afterwards, we headed back to the kayaks and went around the rest of the island. We visited a cave that ships used to hide in, went around a nude beach (predominantly men unfortunately, and very old ones at that), and then saw a swimming area that had a lot of people and more naked men. We finally made it back around the channel and docked up. What was nice was that the tour had gone an hour longer. Our guide was young, and pretty cool, so he let us stay on Lokram for an hour longer!
We ate right away after that, and devoured a pizza and some pasta. We ended up sitting next to a little family from Florida who was on a Croatian cruise as well. The mom was hilarious. We talked to them for like an hour and a half. No joke. We mailed some postcards. Went back to the ship. Ate some more (I’m getting SOOOO fat), and then unwinded. I have a test tomorrow in my marketing class, so I hit the books. Pretty nervous! But it’ll be ok. I’m shooting for an A, but only have to get a C. So I’m not terribly stressed.

Overall Thoughts on Croatia:
I liked it. The place is probably the most beautiful that we’ve visited before, though I think that Rome and Italy in general definitely give it a run for it’s money. The people are nice, and the views are constant. Everywhere you look is another place that will take your breath away. I would definitely recommend it to a honeymooner though it’s not really super exiciting. It’s just a good place to relax. You can take a load off here. The pace is slower, and no one really cares what time it is. Even the clocks only go by fives. ☺

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