Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Republica Boy’s Home 6-30

Today was a Civitavecchia day! We woke up and went to a SAS service visit. We went to a transition home for boys and girls that was set up by a cardinal 70 years ago. The owners gave us a tour of the grounds and we were able to see the 23 boys and a couple girls who live there. It wasn’t really an interaction type thing, more of a tour, but it was still cool to see a place that takes care of the children of that country. The kids were cute.
Afterwards we went down to the city center of Civ. And found a little pizza parlor. It was SO fantastic. They gave us garlic smothered bread and then panne pomodorro (bread and chopped up tomatoes on top). The pizza was amazing, and the company was nice! We saw a legitimate Italian exchange while we were there. The owner of the restaurant got in a….fight? Altercation? It was almost exciting. I felt like I was home almost (Lexee and Dad). ☺
We spent the day around Civ, really. It’s a nice little time. Nice people, and nice shops. We asked for things and everyone was super accommodating. We found this nice little grocery store that sells HUGE cans of soda for super cheap, which was great because we’re running low and we can’t have bottled soda. Suh-weet!
Dinner was nice. We ate at a nice little restaurant with the most…how to say this delicately….hmmm…..delicious food, and delicious wait staff…. ☺ Great experience.
Anyway. I’m jealous for all of you who are watching Eclipse right now! It’s here, but we can’t find it in English yet. We’re working on it. Well. I am. James is adamantly against it, but I know if I can find it in English, he’ll go. He’s awesome like that.

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