Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sea Olympics, in the Mediterranean:

First day back at sea, and it’s time for the Sea Olympics. The floors on our ship are split into certain groups of rooms, and they’re called “seas”. For instance, the second deck has the least amount of students, so we’re one sea. We’re called the Aegean. All of the different groups of rooms are given a specific sea name that is in the Mediterranean. Each sea has a color too. Ours is black, and our slogan is “Black Out!”. Hahhaa. Anyway. I slept through the opening ceremonies, but James went. He said it was pretty exciting! Basically, the Olympics are a big competition between all of the seas to see who gets off the ship first. The first place team gets off first. Second and third are the same, though after that it’s random who gets off next.
The day was great. Our whole sea got into to, cheering on everyone else at the different events. James competed in two different things: Ice cube Scramble (which was not very well ran) and also the relay race, which was SO intense! We ended up with second in the relay, though it was rather stupid how they judged it and the other team cheated in my opinion.
My only competition was jeopardy which was based on Global Studies questions, questions about the ship and its history, and random facts about SAS. One question was who won the NBA National Championship and the World Cup, because they happened while we were on the ship. Most of the questions were historical ones from the Global Studies class. There were also some questions on geography and the winds and seas of the Mediterranean. There were three to a team. The Aegean had me, a girl named Olyvia (who is in the politics class, which was a category) and Amanda who is a classics major from Dartmouth. I don’t want to brag, but I have to admit, we kicked freakin butt. The first round was a wipe out. We literally cleared the board. I was the clicker, and I was black belt fast.  ☺ If it was a politics question, then without a doubt Olyvia knew it. If it was some random question, then Amanda knew it. I knew everything else. We got to the final round no problem. But in the finals were the teachers, and there were two of them who had been on like five voyages before. The first few questions were horrible. Our clicker wasn’t working, and I was freaking out! I unplugged the thing though about five questions in, and that was it. We DOMINATED! We blew the teachers out of the freaking water! It was pretty awesome. They totally thought they were going to win too. You could tell. The Global Studies teacher said that in the first round he watched with pride at our knowledge and in the final round he watched in horror as we trounced his colleagues. It was a pretty awesome high! We ended up with second place overall. We lost to first by three points. Which was super disappointing, but still cool that we got second. That means that we get to get off second from the ship but I’m not sure I’ll want to. I’ll be sad to leave it almost.
After the sea-Olympics, we came up with this crazy idea for Global Studies. Everyone pretty new that there was a girl who had really made the teachers look bad, and during Jeopardy, James started saying that we were making a study guide for the second test that was coming up. Basically we decided to make the study guide and then try to sell it NoteHall style. We asked the Dean, who said no. Then we told him we’d donate some to the ShipBoard Drive and he still said no. She we decided in a moment of altruism that we would post the study guide to the folder that everyone on the ship has access to and tell them on the study guide that they should donate to the drive. There results were huge. We spent about fifteen minutes spreading the word around the ship (news travels fast) and before we knew it, most of the ship had the study guide. We listened around and people were saying that they’d donate for sure and that it was a great idea. The study guide was eleven pages long, but it was pretty quality, and a lot of people printed it out. They actually stopped the printers because people were using them SO much. Kinda cool in an environmentally horrible way (we DID make it an electronic thing, people printed on their own. Just a side note). Just hoping now that what I put on the study guide is what’s on the test. Haha…..

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