Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cairo Day Three

Well. We woke up around ten today. We all tried to shower the night before (because Cairo is SUPER dirty), but they didn’t have towels. Unfortunately, they didn’t have towels again, so we ended up sharing them all. James, Charlotte and me shared one and the other boys shared one. What can you do? We were filthy and it was worth it.
After a quick breakfast, we headed to the Egyptian Museum. It was ten minutes from our hostel. We had to cross the street by ourselves (we were used to having Ali help us out), and that was interesting, but we lived. So no worries. The museum is intense. There are like four different security points to go through and you can’t take cameras or bags in. Inside there are two floors. The bottom has the most but the top is the most interesting. There are a lot of Coptic jars and sarcophaguses and different things all over. On the top floor, there is the King Tut exhibit. We got to see his famous headdress and his different boxes that his sarcophagus was in. The original sarcophagus and mummy are in Luxor where the tomb was originally found in the twenties in the supposedly “cursed” tomb. Got to get to Luxor sometime. Seriously. Anyway. I felt like a little know it all again, telling people about things. James said that he appreciated it and that he’d rather have someone doing that for him than not knowing. So I feel a bit better.
After the museum (we were there for about two and a half hours), we went back to Ali’s shop and asked him to show us the best place to eat in the area. He took us around, ordered for us so it would be cheaper (Egyptians get better prices EVERYwhere). The food was great though we had to stand up (a little different. I like my seat, lol). Ali wanted us to go back to his shop, but he convinced us otherwise. He bought us some water though and some dried dates (I didn’t like them). Then we headed back to the train station. We walked the entire way and since we had a little bit of time, we hung out at a restaurant for a while. The train ride was no big deal. We made it early and we found our train. The ride was ok. We were in first class so there was some nice AC (Air Con to the people from Minnesota). Three hours later we made it back to Alexandria where we had a quick bite to eat before grabbing a taxi home. Man, the sight of the boat was something fantastic. I was so stoked to see it and finally take a shower for real. Cairo was an experience though. I absolutely loved it. I think it goes two ways. You either loved it or you hated it. I feel lucky to be the former.

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