Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Thursday, August 12, 2010


My birthday today! Big twenty one! We actually moved ahead an hour last night too, so my birthday is 25 hours long here on the ship, and if you count that there’s birthday time in Tucson, then my birthday is like 36! Anyway. I woke up like normal and went to class. Things were fine. We got a shout out from Bowler in class about how awesome the jeopardy team was.  ☺   I passed James in the hallway at one point and he asked for my room key cuz he had a headache and the Tylenol is in my room. Haha. Clever boy. After classes, we’re going to go get ready to take our customary nap, when James says that he left his water bottle in my room, so we go in there and lo and behold! There’s my room all decorated with hand made streamers and a huge sign over my window that says Happy B-Day Jack! Adorable! There were all my friends in my room and presents on my bed and the works. It was so incredibly sweet. I got a little SAS teddy bear and some SAS boxers (I love boxers), and the teddy was holding a Tiffany’s box! I put my earrings on right away and made everyone look. They’re beautiful. James really went over the top. He’s so awesome.
I also got some really great emails from my family on my birthday too, so thanks guys. They really made my day all that much better.
After the party and the nap, it was time to study. We had two tests today. The first one went by quickly enough. It was in trade and I never know how to truly study for that class. Then was dinner, which was another birthday surprise. James ordered a cake and they brought it out with a candle, and everyone sang and I blew it out. We all scrunched together on a little table and it was just great. Even my friends who don’t like each other came for the most part.  ☺ More kudos for James. Then we had the second test, which also went alright. It was supposed to be easier, but I thought there were some really hard questions. I was all stressed too because I needed to get a good grade to keep up my reputation. You can’t sell a study guide if you can’t get the grades yourself. Anyway. I got a hundred, but I got lucky. I wasn’t so sure about it.
After that, we really just chilled out. Casablanca was on, so we watched that since I’ve never seen it before. We didn’t get through it all, but I followed most of it. Seems pretty cool. Then we had a little Turkish Tea Party with one of the tea sets and some of the cheaper apple tea. Delicious, and it was sweet to hang out. It was mostly James, me, and his roommate John, which is quite the party, but Fogarty came for a bit too and Charlotte  ☺  It was a pretty nice day. Kudos to James and everyone for making it great. Family! No worries, we’re going to have a huge birthday bash when I get back! Still, not many people can say they were in the Mediterranean on their way to Morocco when they turned 21!

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