Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fine Dining:

A couple days in we took our Global Studies final. Most of it was on the study guide (whew), so it went well for me. I got a 96. Missed two. Anyway. That night, the ship had a drawing for a free fine dining. We all had completed a survey, and the one that got picked from the pool got the dining experience (which is usually $25). Anyway Some guy named Will Jenkins got it. I recognized the name but couldn’t bring a face to mind. I forgot about it right after. James and our friends had a volleyball intramural, so I was too excited for that (I was the cheerleader, and they got second. We actually all played a lot of volleyball for fun during those few days. It was pretty fun, and I got a lot better. Yay. Lol). Anyway. That night at dinner, we were walking out, and this kid from our trade class stops James. I didn’t notice at first, so I had to backtrack to get back to him. When I got there, James and this kid were shaking hands and James was thanking the guy. I smiled because we’d talked before, but after we walked away, I was like, what was that about.
James said that the kid came up to him and said that our study guides had saved his global studies grade and that he was really appreciative, and that he had won the fine dining that night, but that he wanted to give it to us. So he signed us up for it instead of him. I was flabbergasted! I couldn’t believe how nice a gesture it was! We didn’t intend to do fine dining because it cost too much and here this kid just gives it to us. It was SOOOO nice. I told all out friends and they were all in shock too. It was seriously so nice.
The next day we got all dressed up and went in. It’s like a mini restaurant inside the dining hall. Kids get seated at different tables and they give you champagne (James and I brought our own soda). There was legit bread and we had the best view of the ocean. We got a table all to ourselves, which was nice. We got to pick all our dishes and it was like 4 courses. Everything was great except the crab which was a whole crab deep fried. Lol. Next was Greek salad (which was great), raviolis, and a dessert. It was awesome. You had a server and h’ourderves. Perry was our server and he’s the sweetest guy on the crew. Seriously. We love him. It was a stellar experience. I was so glad we did it. We wrote a thank you note to the guy and thanked him again and again for it. But I’m still almost in shock from the whole thing. I loved it!

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